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Where does confident English communication come from?

Where does confident English communication come from?

Where does confident English communication come from? Does it come from your mastery of grammar?
Or does it come from memorizing a lot of vocabulary? Or does it come from you remembering many
English sentence patterns? Or do you know how to pronounce like a native?
But the truth is that there are many people who are familiar with grammar and have many vocabulary
but are not confident enough to communicate in English with anyone. There are even people who know
the correct pronunciation like a native but are not brave enough to communicate confidently in English
with others.
Finding the original basis for confident English communication is as troublesome as we are to find
challenging answers from sages: the chicken or the egg comes first? But luckily, we have a few sample
stories to share below for you to ponder.

1. Have the courage to speak English and accept mistakes
A friend of mine at the beginning of learning English, when the teacher advised you to practice English
communication diligently, but he thought: "My grammar is not good so I can't talk to other people yet.
right now". Then in the middle of the course, he again justified his refusal to discuss with his classmates
because he said: "My pronunciation is not correct, my vocabulary is not much remembered. If you say it
wrong, your teacher will laugh at you." At the end of the course, everyone spoke English fluently except
for him.
 2. Speak slowly
People who are fluent in English often speak very quickly, some unimportant words are often skimmed,
making new friends often not hear clearly, do not fully understand the meaning of the sentence. So to

help you be more confident when starting out, don't learn to speak too quickly. Speak slowly and slowly.
Gradually over time you will speak English more naturally and fluently.
3. Practice speaking English every day
Communication is a practice. Unlike reading and writing skills that can be easily learned on your own,
conversing in English at least requires a partner to talk to. The best way to communicate confidently in
English is to practice speaking every day with friends, tutors, etc.

If you can't find a partner to practice English communication with in real life, you can sign up for a
reflexive English class or online practice English class on E-talk to have a one-on-one chat. 1 with a native
4. Read often to expand vocabulary
In English, written structure often has more vocabulary than spoken language, just as written language
often has a refined style and grammar. Therefore, reading news and books regularly will help you expand
your vocabulary. Find an area that you find interesting to read and learn more vocabulary every day.

In addition, you can watch movies or listen to audio pronounced by native speakers. While watching, you
need to pay attention to the voice and facial expressions of the actors.
5. Please stop the implicit translation from English to Vietnamese and vice versa
Finally, if you want to become a confident English speaker, stop implicitly translating from English to
Vietnamese (or vice versa).
You may have the impression that translating Vietnamese into English (while thinking) will help you speak
English easily, but in fact, implicit translation will reduce your fluency. At the same time, in the moment
of hesitation (to translate implicitly) your psychology will be disturbed, causing more anxiety and loss of

In short, speaking English using your subconscious mind will help you eliminate the implicit translation in
your mind. In the beginning, applying subconscious to speaking English will make you constantly make
mistakes, but over time, you will cultivate confident communication skills, expressing emotions as
naturally as a native.