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This is my list of 10 amazing sites to improve your listening skills, I hope these sites can help
you reach your linguistic goals.
1. SpeechYard
Speechyard is a place, where English learners have a perfect opportunity to improve their
English and expand language knowledge by means of educational entertainment. When you
watch the video, just click on any word or select a phrase to see its translation, listen to it or
add it for further learning
The registration is free, so don’t hesitate and begin learning English through movies or
2. English Central
EnglishCentral is the leading provider of online English conversation solutions. The
EnglishCentral platform combines the web’s best English videos.
You can:
Watch a video a day, recommended based on your level and interests. Mark any words you
don’t know.
Learn your new words by filling in the blanks while interacting with the video line.
Speak your new words in context, getting instant feedback on your pronunciation and
3: Lyrics Training
LyricsTraining is an easy and fun way to learn and improve your foreign languages skills,
through the music videos and the lyrics of your favorite songs.
LyricsTraining also has a special Karaoke mode that lets you sing and enjoy the full lyrics.
LyricsTraining helps you to learn new vocabulary and expressions, and reinforce grammar
concepts through continuous exercise of writing the missing words.
LyricsTraining helps you train your ear to dramatically improve your capacity to recognize
sounds and words of a foreign language in a very short time, training your brain almost
unconsciously, whether you know the meaning of all the words or not.
4. Player FM
If you have a smartphone, you can select a podcast that targets English Language Learners
but if you have good listening skills, you can select a podcast among the thousands available
on the web.
5. Youtube English Channels
Youtube is a great source of input for English Language Learners and teachers, you only
have to find the right channels.
6: Voscreen

Voscreen helps you improve your English language skills on your own through short video
ESL Video provides educational resources for English as a Second Language Students to
improve their listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills.
The quiz activities and lessons are created by teachers, and are free to use in class, lab, or at
8. Elllo
The aim of the site it to make learning English fun, effective, and free and to provide
teachers and students with materials that you cannot find in traditional textbooks.
9. ESOL Courses
English language lessons for students of English as a foreign language and young learners.
Practise your English skills using our free listening tasks.

10. Talk English
Talk English cover different topics but they have section dedicated to listening in which you
can find audios for basic, intermediate and advanced students.