Vocabulary Building ( Mr Phuoc)
1. Option
Some synonyms can be used in various contexts instead of ‘option”
These are all words for something that you choose to do in a particular situation.
“option” something that you can choose to have or do; the freedom to choose what you do:
The best option would be to cancel the trip altogether.
There are various options open to someone who is willing to work hard.
They didn't leave him much option - either he paid or they'd beat him up.
“choice” the freedom to choose what you do; something that you can choose to have or do:
If the product doesn't work, you are given the choice of a refund or a replacement.
It's a difficult choice to make.
It's your choice/The choice is yours (= only you can decide).
It was a choice between pain now or pain later, so I chose pain later.
Now you know all the facts, you can make an informed choice.
I'd prefer not to work but I don't have much choice (= this is not possible).
He had no choice but to accept (= he had to accept).
“alternative” something that you can choose to have or do out of two or more possibilities:
You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly: those are the two alternatives.
“possibility” one of the different things that you can do in a particular situation:
We need to explore a wide range of possibilities.
The possibilities are endless.
2. Difficult
Some synonyms can be used in various contexts instead of ‘difficult”
These words describe something that needs a lot of effort or skill to do.
The questions were difficult.
It is hard for inexperienced people to find jobs in this city.
She always finds languages challenging.