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The necessity of the warm-up activities in classroom

The warm-up section is important because it serves the following purposes:
1. Relationship Establishment
The learning process facilitates the building of positive relationships with students. An
interesting and fun class largely depends on the personality and teaching methods of the
lecturer, which helps motivate students to develop a positive attitude in learning (Krishnan &
Hoon, 2002). The attitude of the faculty is an important factor in developing student-faculty
cooperation. If the teaching style is cooperative, the learning conditions become better
(Klippen, 1985). Avoid the case as mentioned by Klippen (1985) where the teacher irresponsibly
created the atmosphere in a class by choosing certain types of assignments and topics (pg 6).
Teachers can help students share their ideas and opinions in less stressful situations by
developing relationships with them (Lassche, 2005). Building a heightened sense of relationship
and mutual trust between teachers and students is a prerequisite for creating a positive
classroom atmosphere (Richards & Bohlke, 2011). According to Hale and Whitlam (1995),
“relationship is the ability to build trust and confidence with another person, often when very
little time is available” (as cited in Lassche, 2005, p. 84). . Warm-up exercises and how to
integrate tasks can be adopted by the teacher to create a good atmosphere in the class
(Kilppen, 1985). Warm-up activities such as games and quizzes establish a positive learning
environment and make students feel comfortable in the classroom (Joshi, 2006). Krishnan and
Hoon (2002) state that learners in a foreign language classroom need to support and motivate
each other to promote academic success (p. 35). Warm-up activities help to create a
comfortable environment and establish peer trust among students allowing them to enter into
negotiations with each other for other activities easily (Hansen & Liu, 2005). Language teachers
should note the usefulness of warm-up activities, especially for the first lesson of any new class
where students have a chance to get to know each other and teachers have a chance to
understand. describe the level of students in the class. These types of activities help create
cohesion among the class.
2. Motivation to learn
By spending five or ten minutes on warm-up activities, learners can be motivated from the start
of a class (García & Martín, 2004). Learning motivation is influenced by learners' interest in
classroom activities (Wiśniewska, 2012). Nseendi (1984) suggests that students will be
motivated to learn when activities and exercises for language learning are interesting to them
(as cited in Cheung, 2001, p.59). Therefore, the warm-up activity used to motivate students
should be interesting (Ruiz & Ramírez, 2008). Crookes and Schmidt (1991) determined that
motivation is the learner's interest and enthusiasm for the learning materials and tasks used in
class and that it indicates the level of attention, concentration, and interest. their animals (as
cited in Peacock, 2014, p.145). During the preparatory phase, the warm-up exercise can serve
as an important element to arouse students' interest in order to motivate them (Jun, 2000).
Wiśniewska (2012) also addresses the concern that is building motivation and discovery to
learn, develop broad knowledge and gain skills and experience (p.212). Starting a class with a
warm-up is a good way to develop curiosity and interest in learners and push them to pay

attention to the next activity to learn more about the next part of the lesson. lessons (Zhu,
3. Attracting attention
Bowers (1984) suggests that unsupervised data stays in memory for a short time and does not
receive processing in long-term memory due to lack of attention and attention (as cited in
Schmidt). , 1990, p.141). Introductory activities are mainly used to focus students' attention on
the lesson (Richards & Bohlke, 2011). Dornyei (2001) states that lecturers can play an important
role to create positive attitudes of students. In order for children to be interested and engaged
in the classroom, teachers need to stimulate their curiosity and capture their attention (as cited
in Velandia, 2008, p.11). People learn about things when they are paying attention and don't
learn much when they are inattentive (Lam, 2009). Walqui (2006) states that by focusing
students' attention on the main idea, teachers first prepare students to engage in interactive
tasks for practice (p.169). According to Allwright (1984), warm-up activities are used to grab
students' attention so that they put aside distracting thoughts and are ready to focus on
individuals and groups on classroom activities (quoted in Velandia, 2008, p.11). So, by using
warm-up activities learners can be noticed and they can be invited to answer questions.