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Some activities for teaching Speaking skills

1. INFORMATION GAP This is an activity done in pairs (pairwork), helping students
practice interaction to support and exchange information with each other. For each
pair, the teacher gives each student a script, but both of them will have missing
information: friend A has your information B, and friend B has your information A.
Both will sit. Ask and answer questions to complete your script.
2. ROLE PLAY & SIMULATION Role playing & simulation is one of the most
effective activities to help students practice speaking skills. To prepare for the Role
play activity, teachers need to prepare the situation and practice the necessary
sentence patterns. Then "set the scene" for the students to play and talk to each other.
The clearer and more realistic the context, the more wow students will experience
because of the experience.
3. STORYTELLING This activity is suitable for individuals and teamwork, helping
students brainstorm & create their own stories. The teacher will come up with a topic
for the whole class, then each team or each of you will sit down and think to write a
story on that topic in your own voice, which can be combined with painting to make it
4. INTERVIEW & SURVEY In this activity, the teacher will prepare for each student a
piece of checkered paper. Each student's task is to go to the other students in the class
to interview with the topic of the lesson that day (Personal information, Hobbies, ...)
and fill in the paper. At the end of the activity, the teacher will invite each of you to
share who you have interviewed.
5. SPEAKING CARDS This activity is for groups of 3-5 people. The teachers prepared
topics and let you draw lots, for example: Your worst memory, Daily routine, Your
dream, etc. Whoever wins which topic will think of 3-5 questions to ask their friends
in the group (note, do not use Yes-No questions to force you to brainstorm, and the
teacher can suggest more questions). fun, cool to make the class more attractive)