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Methods to practice speaking English, improve pronunciation at home effectively

Methods to practice speaking English, improve pronunciation at home effectively
Some methods to overcome errors that Vietnamese people easily make while learning
English to communicate at home you need to know:
1. Slow down your speaking speed
Speaking quickly has never been recognized as a sign of understanding and intelligence.
Sometimes speaking quickly is also seen as a lack of self-control. This is also a taboo
when learning English to communicate quickly, learning English from scratch.
When you speak at a fast pace, you are more likely to make the mistake of swallowing
sounds, making your voice even more difficult to hear. If you practice speaking English
slowly, you will have more time to think, choose words, and pronounce correctly.
Furthermore, speaking slowly helps others see that you are in control of the situation.
2. Practice listening to English often
The only way to get used to a standard English accent is to listen a lot. There are many
different listening purposes such as listening to get used to intonation, listening to learn
pronunciation, listening to get content.
You can practice listening in many ways. For example: watching movies, listening to
news, audio, using English listening practice apps. When cooking, cleaning, taking a
bath, you can open YouTube and choose some of your favorite channels to listen to get
used to how native speakers pronounce English.
3. Record English speech and listen back
To improve your standard English accent, record your English speaking online and listen
to it again. At that time, you will realize for yourself countless common mistakes such as:
swallowing sounds, forgetting the last consonant, wrong stress, not reading two words
properly, being slurred, speaking too fast, etc. Make it a habit every night before going to

bed, choose a 2-minute book or article excerpt, record it and listen to it again to compare
daily progress.
4. Practice thinking in English instead of Vietnamese
Communicative reflexes are formed from thoughts to actions emitting human speech.
Because of that, you can apply the practice of thinking in English instead of Vietnamese
to form faster reflexes.
You can practice speaking English online anywhere, anytime. Try to use English to think
about everything from simple to complex
5. Self-monologue alone
It sounds a bit crazy. However, this is the way that English "worms" apply when learning
to communicate in English in order to prepare their minds to be ready when encountering
communication situations.