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1. Title of paper
- Title is neither too long nor too short (about 20 words)
- The title is written on the first page, in capital letters, in bold, in the center of the
page, not underlined, not italicized.
- There must be a new element in the title.
- Begins with a verb, or a gerund, or an indefinite noun that contains an action.
2. Abstract
The abstract should be independent of the other sections (on its own)
- About 200 words
- State your main goals clearly
- Description of research methods (research subjects, data, analytical methods)
- Summary of important results
- State the salient conclusions and their implications
- No references to images, tables or reference sources
- Avoid writing the summary as a preface (prologue)
3. Introduction
- Must be able to answer the question: Why do this research?
- Provide information such as:
+ Problem definition
+ What was done to solve the problem
+ Summary of previous published results
+ Objectives of this study
4. Research Methods
- This is the most important part of a scientific paper
- Must be able to answer the question: What did you do?
To answer this question, you must provide the following information:
+ Research object
+ Measurement method, reliability and accuracy of measurement; or data analysis
methods, or problem solving algorithms, etc.
5. Results section

- The results section or the presentation of the experiments
- The results section must have charts and data tables expressed in a concise and clear
- The data must be presented to answer the research objectives stated in the
introduction in turn
6. Discussion:
- Also known as the discussion section
- Usually includes the following six elements in the description:
+ Summary of assumptions, goals, and main results
+ Compare results with previous studies
+ Explain the results by proposing a new model or hypothesis
+ Generalization and significance of the results
+ Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
+ Conclude in a way that the reader can easily grasp
7. Acknowledgments: The writer thanks those who have collaborated on research with
him or the project topics with financial support for the implementation; organizations
that support research facilities, etc. (This section may or may not be available)
8. Reference
- List all documents cited in the article.
- Do not classify internet documents, English, Vietnamese.
- Up to 9 documents.
- Forms of citation are specified in Section II.6.