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Increase students' attention in class

1. Get attention by asking questions or holding mini-games
The beginning of a class or lecture plays a very important role in determining the quality of the whole
lesson. Therefore, teachers should take advantage of this time to attract students' attention.
Instead of going into a new lesson, teachers can ask some prompting questions to review old knowledge
or lead a new lesson. Thereby stimulating the interest of students. Or create games that match the time
and content of the lesson to incorporate.

2. Lead the content with stories and illustrations for the lecture
The tendency to teach one-way from the teacher easily makes the lessons boring. One way to overcome
this is that teachers can flexibly apply stories and images related to the lesson to help the content
become new and more interesting.

Instead of diligently taking notes and taking notes, the fact that the teacher's funny stories will help
students feel more comfortable and easier to accept the lesson. Since then, the learning pressure is
significantly reduced. In addition, this also helps to strengthen the bond between teachers and students.
However, it is required that the teacher be flexible and have many skills to lead students throughout the
3. Displaying student learning products
Students' crafts are used by many teachers in today's teaching methods. The display of products such as
pictures, lesson content according to mindmap diagrams, etc. Both help students get excited, and create
statistical skills, summarize lessons, bring high learning efficiency. The products on display make
students proud and feel proud of their achievements. Help them strive to win many compliments in the

4. Enhance the activities of storytelling and presentation of the lesson
A modern method applied in schools is to assign roles to tell stories for students, or divide into groups to
give presentations on the content of the lesson.
At this time, the teacher's role is to regulate, guide, listen and give his/her comments and evaluation.
Gradually, it will help students become self-disciplined in their assigned roles, while other students
practice their ability to listen, synthesize and maintain order.

5. Increase the interaction between teachers and students
The interaction between the teacher and the students in the class is really important. If during the
lesson, teachers and students do not interact, the lesson will be really boring and boring.

Somehow, the classroom teacher must be proactive to increase this interaction. Create a comfortable
atmosphere and arouse interest from students.

6. Give lectures in a funny way
Being serious in lessons is a necessity, but being too serious will make students feel forced,
uncomfortable, making the body easy to stress, tired, and more difficult to absorb knowledge. .

Therefore, creating a comfortable and humorous atmosphere in class is what teachers need to focus on.
This is a good educational practice that should be applied regularly. In fact, a teacher with a sense of
humour is often liked and loved by students more than teachers who are too rigid.

7. Create collective activities, groups
For the psychology of students, when they are able to work together and exchange ideas with each
other, they will be excited and enthusiastic to contribute ideas.
The competition between groups is also a motivation for students to try, build and develop lessons,
making the class more exciting.
However, this activity can also cause disorder, so it requires teachers to closely supervise, remind and
urge the children throughout the activity.

8. Prepare lesson plans carefully
At the heart of the quality of a subject is a well-prepared lesson plan before class. The superficial,
unfocused lesson plan, lacking logic, will make the quality of the lectures not guaranteed, making the
knowledge become lengthy, rambling, confusing and boring for students.

Therefore, teachers must understand the purpose and prepare in advance for the content of the lesson
plan as well as the knowledge and skills that students need to achieve after the lesson. An effective
lesson plan should be short, concise, full of main ideas and clearly understand the content of the lesson,
with a reasonable way to help students understand the lesson faster.

9. Be a role model for students
One way to create interest and respect among students is to be a role model for students to follow.
Teachers need to pay attention to manners and ethical standards both in the classroom and outside of

The fact that teachers actively improve their professional capacity and educational attainment also
contributes to a strong effect in motivating students to study. It is the achievements that teachers
achieve that will be one of the motivations to help students try their best in learning in the future.

10. Use Mind Map

Mindmap is a mind map that is gradually becoming popular, used by many teachers to summarize
knowledge. Every field can build content into mind maps. This is really a good teaching secret that needs
to be developed and applied more.
Many studies have shown that mind maps help stimulate students' ability to observe, reason logically,
and ask questions, which is very consistent with the natural development of the brain's nervous system.
When teachers use mindmaps in teaching, students will feel more interested in the lesson. This type of
map often combines many images with colors to describe, the number of words is omitted a lot, helping
students think and find the relationships between the knowledge learned. From there, it will be easier
for students to understand and better remember the main concepts and content of the lecture.
Above are the top 10 methods to create interest in learning for students, thereby bringing the highest
educational effectiveness.