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1. T/F/NG or Y/N/NG
A type of test that confuses many candidates the most. Because this topic is quite new.
However, this type of test is also one of the easiest to score. Nothing is difficult if you know how
to do it. In the question, break the idea down into parts. Then determine if it matches the
information in the passage.

If there is a completely opposite idea, write the answer as false (F). If the ideas all match the
information, boldly give the correct answer (T). And to determine which sentence is Not Given,
the candidate should read the information containing the keyword of the question. If the
information makes it impossible for you to identify relevant content, the answer is Not Given.

Besides, some of you confuse False and Not Given. However, remember that False's
information will come out in a negative form. As for Not Given, the information will be given in a
way that makes you deduce that the sentence is wrong. So, the bloody experience to do this
kind of thing is not to think too much. So you have conquered how to do Reading IELTS

2. Completion
Completion is the type of essay to get the second score in the Reading test. In this type of
lesson, when learning and practicing, you just need to follow the keywords to find information
and determine the words to fill in. The answer to fill in will be the word in the passage that you
have read. You notice that there is no need to change the word type.

The questions of the two types of T/F/NG and Completion are in order. Therefore, candidates
can apply skimming to find keywords. Then apply the way of reading around the keyword to find

3. Matching
This format has many types of matching cards, and they are all out of order. Therefore, it is
necessary to rely on keywords to search for answers to the exam questions. Matching objects is
the easiest form of cards. Because keywords are names that cannot be paraphrased. Matching

heading is the most difficult type of post. Because it's long and you need to know how to
synthesize the information of a paragraph.

You need to read each paragraph carefully, then summarize the main content of the paragraph.
A tip that can be relied on is the first and last 2 sentences of the paragraph to accurately
determine the content. Candidates will then return to the question and choose the answer. Of
course the answer will be paraphrased, so you have to make sure you have the vocabulary to

4. Multiple choice

For multiple choice in Reading IELTS. All answers in the test have been paraphrased.
Therefore, it will be difficult for candidates to choose the answer. If you do not know how to do
and how to analyze the problem. I have found enough ways to increase the number of correct
sentences when doing this type of test. And after 7749 videos, I have found a video on how to
analyze reading comprehension questions for this type of question quite useful for you to
prepare for the exam. I leave the link here for those who want to see it:

The important key to doing well in IELTS Reading effectively is learning vocabulary. You need
to learn vocabulary, synonyms to be able to do the test most effectively. Because in each
passage, candidates will be "examined" to teach how to paraphrase vocabulary. Remember that
these are the words you should put on your list. The video above will show you how to find the
word “need to add” to your study list in the most effective way.