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Everything to know about “THE” (Part 3)

Everything to know about “THE” (Part 3)

How to use “THE”

- Use THE before famous buildings and well-known works of art.

Eg: Did you go to Paris just to see the Eiffel Tower?

       I should have seen the Mona Lisa.

- Use THE with adjectives that refer to specific groups of people

Eg: There have been recent calls to tax the rich.

       The Spanish settled here in 1695.

- Use THE before family names, when referred to as a group

Eg: The McAllisters moved last year.

       We had dinner with the Smiths last night.

- Use THE with specific times

Eg: We will celebrate Leo’s birthday on the 25th.

      Can you come in the morning?

- Use THE to talk about time periods

Eg: My great- grandmother was born in the 1800s.

      I wish I had lived in the 16th century.

- Use THE to say something about all the things referred to by a singular countable noun

Eg: The wolf is a dangerous animal.

       My cousin plays the violin.

- Use THE before organisations

Eg: She works for the US Postal Service.

      The World Health Organization just mentioned something about that.

- Use THE when talking about hotels, restaurants and pubs

Eg: Don’t stay at the Ritz Carlton; you should stay at the Hilton.

       Let’s have a few pints at the Ship and Shovel.

Note: We don’t use the when the name of an establishment starts with a name.

Eg: We should head down to Froggy’s Tavern. (correct)

       We should head down to the Froggy’s Tavern. (incorrect)

- Use THE with newspapers

Eg: Mandy told me to read this article from the Guardian.

       We haven’t read the review in the Times yet.