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There are obviously a number of challenges in desiging a proficiency test, and so does the
development of a level 3 test. These difficulties range from selecting sources for the test
to designing it. In this writing, I would like to share some of the difficulties I have
encountered developing such actual proficiency test for Level 3.
Choosing the tests to design was definitely a tough question because the test for either
group of examinees has its own typical features, so developing it surely is helpful in some
ways. I preferred to develop tests for level 3-5 examinee group because completing such
tests helps the designers like me gain lots of skills due to their complexity and high level
of difficulty. However, the time limit prevented my desire; thus, I finally selected the
Tests - Level -3 for High School Students (Upper Secondary School Students). This was
because the instruction documents for developing these tests are really clear and detailed.
However, the procedure of designing these tests was filled with harsh challenges and
obstacles even though the instructions are quite apparent. These difficulties ranged from
collecting the input texts and audios to designing test items. Nevertheless, the most
challenging tasks I experienced were searching for listening audios as well as reading
texts, and making complete audio file for the listening test.
To be more specific, looking for input reading texts and audios is extremely harsh. As
required, all the input texts and audios used to develop the tests must be taken from open
sources and these are not the ones which have ever been published before. In addition,
there are some strict requirements in terms of difficulty extent and permitted length or
limited number of words in the transcripts. For example, the three conversations in the
first part of the listening test for examinees of this level must be short – no more than 80
words each; the two talks in this part must be simple and no more than 60 words each. All
of these audio files have the same speed of 150-160 words per minute and belong to
common topics. It is true that the more detailed requirements and particular specifications
are, the clearer they seem to be with the test developers, but this also means the harder
and more time-consuming the tasks are for the test designers. In fact, it really took me
time to seek and find an audio that matches such requirements. After collecting all the
input audios, difficulty was even more when I tried to cut, joined and adjusted the whole
listening file using some apps to make a complete one. But as a saying, good things take
Another challenge I encountered while developing the tests was designing the test items.
The test items required are in such different types as Multiple Choice, True/False, and
Gap Fill-in. And they must be accurately designed with compatible difficulty level for the
test takers of this group. To be honest, this was not that difficulty if I could only spend all
time as well as focus on these tests with a longer time. Instead, I had to work under tight
time pressure; and at the same time, I had to fulfill all the work my school assigned like
teaching as scheduled for summer term, preparing, conducting and scoring final tests for
the past second term at my school. Therefore, challenges seemed to double and triple to

Happily, these difficulties were overcome and left behind, and the tests I chose to develop
were eventually accomplished. I would say without hesitation that these tests could not
have been completed, and challenges were still challenges if there had not been clear
explanation, enthusiastic support and concrete instructions of all qualified lecturers from
Hue University of Foreign Languages, who were in charge of different helpful modules
during the course. I have always been grateful to you for all the knowledge, skills,
encouragement, experience, reminders and documents you shared with our class, which
was priceless to me.
Additionally, to overcome the obstacles which were already mentioned, I had to read the
instructions from documents shared by my course lecturers carefully to ensure my
comprehensive understanding. I also studied in details over and over again all the notes
and recordings I had from the lectures delivered by all teachers throughout the course.
After doing this, I felt much more confident and motivated as well as knew how to start,
go on and finish the test designing.