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As society is developing, people have more and more needs and appropriate life skills to be able to survive well in the new era. Almost everyone from all walks of life is aware, understands and recognizes that soft skills are really important for everyone to be able to develop better and build a strong foothold. certainly in a modern society. And one of the especially important and necessary skills that are used skillfully and with high art is communication skills - also known as: the art of communication.

So what is the art of communication and how have you prepared yourself?


Have you ever been in a state of "confused like a chicken with your hair" when talking to someone or feeling sad and disappointed in yourself because you didn't know how to say it in a communication situation? Should you be disappointed and soon withdraw into your shell? You shouldn't be like that at all. If you work hard, you'll be able to achieve what you've always dreamed of.

Here are some tips that you should remember and practice regularly to become a confident and shining person in communication.

The first signal is Smile: you should smile often. Put on a warm and open smile and the person opposite you will feel much happier. You will make your conversations more comfortable. But you also need to remember: laugh at the right time and in the right place, smile the right way. Because we have many different smiles, in the same communication situation, one smile makes the person receiving it feel warm, but another smile can make the person feel hurt or offended. It is best to practice smiling and have the right smile for each situation.

The second signal is Eyebrows: eyes are the window to the soul. It is no coincidence that we have that saying. Your eyes can also say a lot for you. A look can replace words of love, a look can replace reproach and eyes can also replace you to make the other person understand that you are listening attentively to them or not, do you respect their words. say theirs or not, do you share the problem with them or not. So please pay attention to your eyes when communicating. When you speak, try to look directly at the other person with a warm and respectful gaze, don't look away or try. Avoiding people's eyes because that's extremely impolite. Moreover, people will get the feeling that you have something to hide from them, are not honest or don't want to talk to them. And when you listen, you should pay attention to your eyes as you do when you listen. you say.

The final one is Attitude: the last thing you need to keep in mind is your attitude when talking. To anyone and in any situation, remember this saying "sweet words reach the bone". Try not to get angry and use harsh language. Maybe you are very angry, maybe you don't like the person opposite you but, try to be as polite as possible because when you are upset, not the people opposite you will react. Negatively, people around will also have bad thoughts about you. So, please remember this sentence by heart: "Words don't cost money to buy, choose words to please each other."


Wish you to improve and improve your communication skills so that you can achieve better results in life!