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In English, writing is not the same as Speaking because it is not an ability we get naturally, even in our mother tongue – it needs to be regularly honed. Here are the methods to help learners practice English Writing skill effectively.

To start practicing Writing skill, the first thing you have to do is finding yourself a topic to write about and choose a writing style that suits the topic. You can find English writing practice topics everywhere, from a menu to a wedding invitation, a newspaper to a description of a real estate apartment.

Next, you need to produce your ideas for articles. This is the first step of approaching the writing process. Even when you want to write a regular complaint letter, you still have to brainstorm ideas so that the content makes sense and helps the readers understand the important points you want to emphasize.

After that, you need to prepare blank sheets of paper to write down all your ideas on the topic. Then, categorize and group these ideas, each group can include 3 best ideas. You can use all of these ideas in an article or just use a few.

More importantly, you need to focus on ideas. After you have listed your ideas on paper, take a few minutes to think about which ideas are most important or are closely related to the topic you are about to write. Even if it is a good idea, you can put it as the focus of the article.

Once you have got your ideas, you should try consulting articles on similar topics to help you increase awareness of the genre and understand more about the English conventions used for each type of article. In addition, these samples will help you acquire some valuable vocabulary and enable you identify language features and general rules for each type of writing so that you can apply them well to your writing.

In summary, practicing writing skills with some or all of the steps mentioned above, learners can use their own ideas to create a work with English conventions for a particular type of text in a suitable way. By this way, you can best convey your message and also understand the expectations of your readers.