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Skills in building a specific timetable

Skills in building a specific timetable 

You must base on the school's training plan to create a specific timetable for the week, month, semester, etc. to help you get the best learning results. However, you also need to be flexible to change your schedule in specific situations to suit your time and health. 


Skills for studying in class To study well at university, you must first have the skills to listen to lectures in class. When listening to a lecture, you must have the highest concentration. Besides note-taking skills, train yourself in shorthand writing, selective writing and critical thinking skills even while taking notes. Self-study skills at home The university environment promotes the spirit of self-study. 


You need to have a quiet self-study space, away from noise, but not scary silence. At the same time, you also need to arrange a fixed time period and create a habit of studying according to that time plan. Group study skills The group study process brings extremely great results. Everyone discussing, debating, solving exercises, asking questions and solving together will develop each individual's abilities and help each person achieve better results. 


Good memory skills Good memory is a necessary condition if you want to have good study results at university level. If you want to have a good memory, you must train yourself positive habits such as: when you go to school, check your books, take active notes, always brainstorm, don't rely on yourself, take notes, observe ,... When you have a good memory, you will remember knowledge and systematize it better, reduce learning time, and it also plays an important role in everyone's life and work. 


Reading skills With a relatively large amount of knowledge to absorb, reading is a must for students, so you need to choose truly useful books for yourself. Reading skills In addition, you need to choose fast and effective reading methods for yourself. Use pens to mark important or unclear areas so you can review them. Stress relief skills Stress is the main factor causing the academic decline of the majority of students today. If you do not have good preparation in all aspects of life and study, you may fall into this situation. 


First, train yourself to think positively. When you are stressed, eliminate it by resting and relaxing, such as meeting friends, going for a walk, listening to music, playing sports, etc. 


You also need to make arrangements. manage and balance activities in life to prevent and overcome stress. Master and control activities in order of priority in terms of goals, importance, time, content, and methods. Develop relationships with friends and lecturers In addition to studying, you also need to hone your soft skills through school activities with friends and communication with lecturers, this will help you. achieve better results and create a more positive learning environment. 


Develop relationships with friends and lecturers Test preparation and taking skills Tests and exams will reflect whether your learning process is effective or not. You must identify relevant documents to review, organize what you have recorded, systematize knowledge, and estimate how long it will take to review. 

In addition, it is also necessary to divide exam preparation time reasonably, and not let the situation "jump until the last step". While doing, you should choose the easy, sure-to-be-correct exercises first, and do the difficult, uncertain exercises later.