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How important is English vocabulary?

How important is English vocabulary?
The most concise way about the role of vocabulary is that if you don't have your own vocabulary, you definitely can't use English. In other words, your English level = 0. If you want to learn more details, you can refer to the analysis information right below.
Learning vocabulary is the "backbone" in English communication
+ Vocabulary is like a raw material to create our English communication activities. And only when you have a rich vocabulary, you understand the vocabulary deeply, can you be fluent in your speaking.
+ With speaking and writing skills, listeners as well as readers will pay attention to the content you want to convey instead of grammar. Although you have a good grasp of Grammar, if you don't have a lot of vocabulary you won't be able to write what you want to say correctly. On the contrary, if you read or listen, due to word limitations, you will understand the meaning that the speaker or writer wants to convey.
Without grammar, very little information would be conveyed. If you don't have vocabulary, you won't be able to convey any information. That is considered the truth and is also the most accurate conclusion about the importance of vocabulary.
Develop your other skills thanks to a rich vocabulary It is not an exaggeration to think that communication is the factor that has to influence and also negatively affects all our daily activities. And of course, English communication too. If you have a rich vocabulary, it will help you develop and perfect other skills more effectively.
+ You have a lot of vocabulary, you can understand the content more easily even if your grammar is not too strong. And when you understand correctly, quickly understand you can respond reflexively. The process of listening comprehension and speaking will thus become more and more proficient and fluent.
+ Fluency in reading and writing will help improve reading comprehension skills more positively. Especially when you no longer have to wonder if you have spelled it correctly? Or do I use the right word in the context? Is the meaning of the word complete? Gradually, so that the use will become more natural reflex. With this information, we must know why not be subjective when trying to learn English vocabulary effectively, right? Very simple, because learning not only helps you to communicate well but at the same time all other skills of English will also be greatly improved.