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(Ms Man)


Globalization has brought many opportunities for businesses to access foreign cooperation and investment, bring many revenue benefits and serve as a stepping stone for rapid development. Although the trend of international cooperation has been very popular, not every business can hold and maintain it. Working with foreign partners is sometimes difficult.


1 – Difficulty in working with foreign partners:

1.1 – Difficulty in language barrier

Language is the leading factor in determining whether you are the right person to work with a foreign partner. Especially in a professional working environment, language is a strength, you not only have to know how to communicate normally but also have to follow a standard and be fluent in specialized terms. Language barrier is a big difficulty that businesses face when working with foreign partners. You need to learn how to capture and transmit information, especially with your partner's important content to avoid causing unnecessary misunderstandings. The fact that you learn a foreign language and diligently learn about the local language, the language of international communication will help you create good sympathy with your partner. You will easily develop business relationships and of course will earn their trust. If you are not confident in your language skills, ask for help from interpreters to make the cooperation effective.

1.2 – Difficulties in working culture, communication customs

Besides the language factor, the difficulty when working with foreign partners is also understanding each other's cultures and customs. Some countries have different cultures from the way they behave, the custom of greeting, shaking hands to working style. Therefore, some "unintentional" times may lead to unsuccessful cooperation, you will also be self-deprecating when you do not know how to behave. With Western partners, when communicating, you need to focus on frankness and clarity, you will also feel it when working with them. Western partners are always ready to express their thoughts and contributions, and express their views even when they are not satisfied. As for Japanese partners, you should focus on the culture of behavior through formal bows, how to give business cards, etc. If your partner is from France, pay attention to your word usage, when they say “yes” means “maybe” and they are considering rather than completely agreeing, you should continue to negotiate to reach a final decision.

1.3 – Keep in touch when working with foreign partners

Geographical distance and time zone difference are inevitable difficulties when working with foreign partners. To ensure work efficiency and show civility and respect, you need to choose a reasonable time to exchange. For businesses working with foreign partners not directly, the main form of communication is through the internet. Therefore, you need to ensure a stable, uninterrupted connection during the meeting. If a problem arises that prevents either party from creating an online meeting, you need to have a proactive backup plan. In which, communication via email or long-distance call is important.

2 – How to have a better cooperation relationship with foreign enterprises?

Based on the above challenges, cooperation with foreigners will be easier when you find a way to overcome them.

2.1 – Improve foreign languages, remove barriers

Learning a foreign language is always an important foundation that not only helps you easily explore the outside world, but also gives you a better chance to work with foreign partners. You should actively improve your foreign language from communication courses to specialized courses in your field. Thereby, you will hear fluently, gain more confidence when conversing and working with foreign partners. On the other hand, equipping foreign language skills also shows your respect in this partnership. Your partner will feel more comfortable working with a business that has a clear investment, vision and direction, and a good business relationship.

2.2 – Thoroughly research the “background” of the partner

Master yourself, master the enemy. That statement is always true, showing that in everything you should learn about the other person. When working with foreign partners, too, you should also take the time to research their company, company culture and more broadly the culture of that country. Make sure that the negotiation between you and your partner will go smoothly and confidently when you fully understand who you are negotiating with and what your personality is like. An enterprise that has carefully prepared for the project will surely succeed and leave a deep impression on foreign partners.

2.3 – Always be professional

Professional demeanor is an essential element at work, especially when working with foreign partners. You should schedule an appointment and arrive about 10-15 minutes early to prepare for a confident attitude. Foreign partners always attach importance to punctuality, even if you are only 1-2 minutes late, you will also leave a minus point in their eyes, affecting trust when cooperating. When meetings take place, you need to ensure that the content of the work is complete and completed within the meeting time frame, limiting its length because it will delay other partners' plans.

2.4 – Maintain a long-term relationship

Whether the cooperation achieves the expected results or not, you should still maintain contact and respect with your partner. Consider it a dinner or meeting to exchange, express goodwill because they took the time for this cooperation opportunity. Because the way foreign partners work is very assertive and they often make quick decisions, it will sometimes surprise you. Either way, keep this contact, maybe you will cooperate with them for the next time.


Working with foreign partners brings many challenges, but also many opportunities for growth. It is important that you grasp your strengths and weaknesses to overcome and promote, meet the needs of cooperation, confidently open the door for integration. With the above sharing, we hope that you will have a successful cooperation with foreign partners!